Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006270500   UK today: sharing culture through language
2016-2017   Curs. Secundària en general
   3/7/2017 - 7/7/2017 (30 hores) de 9:00h a 14:00h
   INS Marius Torres
   c. Narcís Monturiol, 2 (Lleida) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Face to face sessions from 9 to 14h + 1h online per day
Tipus activitat   BC17 UK today: sharing culture through language
Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Culture has an indispensable role in the language classroom given that culture is expressed through language and language reflects the culture we live in.
This course will look at Britain today and enhance students’ awareness of UK culture in the 21st century. A bespoke course using personalisation of the following topics: education, lifestyle, youth culture, the arts, diversity in the UK and the English language.
As a teacher I believe that culture, teaching and language are inseparable and when learning about other cultures we learn to understand our own.
Objectius   1)Provide teachers with an opportunity to learn and practise new vocabulary through a cultural context.
2)Improve fluency, accuracy and self-confidence in English in a relaxed yet educationally productive atmosphere.
3)Provide a springboard for activities for participants to use in their own English classes.
4)Promote use of free Podcasts /radio programmes for participants listening skills and vocabulary.
Continguts   Getting to know you Cultural Quiz
Needs analysis and objectives for the course.
Presentation and discussion on the value of culture in the classroom.
Allocating St mini cultural presentations for Tuesday – Friday. Show, share and tell personalisation.
Education UK- the makeup of the UK educational system
What it’s like to study/teach in the UK Today and changing trends of study in the UK.
The British Council Teaching English Website
The BBC Learning English for Teachers website.
Using BBC Bite Size Key Stage 2/3 for secondary students cross curricular studies
Observacions   Tipus bloquejat per FORMGEST setembre 2017
Face to face sessions from 9 to 14h + 1h online per day
Formador/a   Maggie Hawes
Avaluació   xxxx
Requisits de  certificació   1.Minimum attendance: 80% of face to face hours.
2.Positive evaluation of every task proposed during the course.
At the end of the course during evaluation we will refer back to the original requests/objectives to see if they have been met and a “fun” end of course culture test about what has been studied during the week.

Online work done individually each day will aim to get participants to say how they could use/adapt what they did that day on the course in their classroom
Persones  destinatàries   Secondary school teachers of English (ESO, BAT and CFA) and EOI teachers of English.
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dilluns   03/07/2017   0900   1400 
 Sessió 2   -   -   -   - 
 Sessió 3   -   -   -   - 
 Sessió 4   -   -   -   - 
 Sessió 5   dilluns   10/07/2017   0900   1400 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent